Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences

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Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, czasopismo posiada IF (na 2020 rok – 1.662) i w wykazie czasopism MNiSzW ma przypisane 100 punktów.

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Przyjęte artykuły zostaną opublikowane w 2023 roku w regularnych numerach czasopisma.

Zgłoszone prace

  1. Influence of the specific load on stability and vibrations of multimember column with internal cracks
    Krzysztof Sokół, Krzysztof Kuliński
  2. The high temperature oxidation resistance of silicide coated TZM molybdenum
    Radosław Szklarek, Tomasz Tański, Bogusław Mendala, Marcin Staszuk, Łukasz Krzemiński , Paweł Nuckowski, Kamil Sobczak
  3. An analytical solution of payload pendulation for offshore light lifting operations under regular wave excitation
    Anna Mackojć, Bogumił Chiliński
  4. A proposal of a dynamic model of an adaptable tuned mass damper based on fluid transfer phenomenon
    Bogumił Chiliński, Anna Mackojć, Szymon Kozłowski
  5. Optimization of the load transport process using heuristic algorithms
    Paweł Kwiatoń, Dawid Cekus, Dorian Skrobek, Michal Šofer, Pavel Šofer
  6. System for verifying the correct visibility of horizontal road signs
    Joanna Kulawik, Mariusz Kubanek, Sebastian Garus
  7. Influence of modelling phase transformations with the use of LSTM network on the accuracy of computations of residual stresses for the hardening process
    Joanna Wróbel, Adam Kulawik
  8. The use of artificial intelligence for automatic waste segregation in the garbage recycling process
    Janusz Bobulski, Mariusz Kubanek
  9. Adaptive approach methodology of the Ib-value estimator calculation
    Michal Šofer, Pavel Šofer, Paweł Kwiatoń, Sebastian Garus, Dawid Cekus
  10. Influence of isothermal annealing on relaxations and defects of structure in bulk amorphous rods
    K. Błoch, M. Nabiałek, B. Jeż, J. Gondro
  11. The analyses of precipitation processes in the microstructure of Sanicro 25 steel after ageing at 750°C
    M. Sroka, A. Zieliński, G. Golański, H. Purzyńska, F. Novy
  12. The influence of minor platinum additions (0.5 and 1.5 at.%) on the properties of rapid quenched FeCoYBW-based alloys in the shape of plates
    Paweł Pietrusiewicz, Bartłomiej Jeż
  13. Influence of the filler geometric features on the thermal properties and structure of polypropylene matrix composites
    Norwiński Sylwester, Postawa Przemysław, Jeż Bartłomiej, Kalwik Aleksandra
  14. Analysis of possibilities of fuel consumption reduction in the process of heating steel charge before plastic working
    Jarosław Boryca, Tomasz Wyleciał, Dariusz Urbaniak