Informacje dla autorów

The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences

Mam przyjemność poinformować o otwarciu dwóch Sekcji Specjalnych w czasopiśmie The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (czasopismo posiada IF (na 2019 rok – 1.385) i w wykazie czasopism MNiSzW ma przypisane 100 punktów), w których można opublikować materiały przedstawiane na naszej konferencji APMME 2021.

Uczestnicy konferencji mogą wyrazić chęć publikacji w czasopiśmie The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences do dnia 31 stycznia 2021 roku (niezależnie od publikacji w czasopiśmie Acta Physica Polonica A) i jednocześnie do tego dnia rozszerzony zostanie termin możliwości zgłoszenia uczestnictwa w konferencji APMME 2021.

Pełne artykuły napisane zgodnie z instrukcją dla autorów należy przesłać do dnia 12 lutego 2021r. na adres korespondencyjny

Po akceptacji przesłanych prac przez Komitet Naukowy Konferencji APMME 2021 zostanie do autorów przesłana informacja o dalszym postępowaniu ze zgłoszonym artykułem.

Istnieje możliwość niezależnego od Konferencji wysłania prac do Sekcji Specjalnych, lecz w tym wypadku organizatorzy nie pokrywają opłaty publikacyjnej.

Poniżej przedstawiono zakres tematyczny Sekcji Specjalnych:

Special Section on
Vibrations, mechanical waves and propagation of heat in physical systems

Theme.In modern mechanical engineering, vibrations play an extremely important role. The lack of properly conducted analysis of vibrations or dynamic stability, may even with small variable loads lead to irreversible damage. The use of modern solutions such as: implementation of piezoceramic elements, appropriately selected damping, specially designed heads in loaded slender systems or heat treatment resulting in enhancement of internal structure of the material allows one to design modern and durable structures.
Vibrations of molecules propagating in an elastic medium create mechanical waves. The analysis of this phenomenon in continuous media allows one to produce modern structures such as phonic crystals or metamaterials, which, thanks to their unique properties (the presence of a phononic band gap) leads to the design of devices that control the way of energy transfer in an elastic media. This gives the possibility of manufacturing devices such as acoustic diodes, waveguides, selective filters, mechanical wave mirrors and many others.
This Special Section of BPAST will be devoted mainly to the selected papers presented at the International Conference “Applications of Physics in Mechanical and Materials Engineering APMME 2021” organized on-line in 2021 by Częstochowa University of Technology. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

• Acoustic wave propagation
• Phononic crystals and metamaterials
• Dynamic stability and vibration
• Heat transfer control
• Numerical modeling of thermal and flow phenomena in physical processes
• Modeling of thermomechanical phenomena in the solid state

Manuscript preparation and submission
All manuscripts must be submitted through the Editorial System (ES) webpage at: ( Submission must be clearly marked “Special Session on Vibrations, mechanical waves and propagation of heat in physical systems” in the ES (when choosing paper type, instead of Regular choose “Special issues/section paper”) and on the cover page. Check journal style carefully and use the template provided in the “Instructions for Authors” section on the ES platform (
We encourage submissions that are based upon papers published at related conferences and workshop proceedings. They may be submitted for consideration to BPASTS Special Section provided that:
(1) the authors cite their earlier conference paper on which this new work is based,
(2) the papers are not identical (similarity index must be below 50%),
(3) the journal publication includes clearly shown novel elements (e.g., more comprehensive experiments),
(4) please, if possible, cite in the list of references at least one paper published in the BPASTS if relevant to your research.

Important dates
• full paper submission deadline: February 28, 2021
• expected publication date: October 2021

Publication fee: 1230,00 PLN (ca 300 USD) / 8 pages in print (detailed information in “Instructions for Authors” section) – if the article is submitted independently of the APMME 2021 Conference.

Guest Editors:
• Tomasz Kapitaniak – Professor, Full Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences
• Michal Šofer – Dr. habil., Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
• Bartłomiej Błachowski – PhD DSc, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Poland
• Wojciech Sochacki – PhD DSc Eng., Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
• Sebastian Garus – PhD Eng., Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland

E-mail to Guest Editors:

• Prof. Marian Kazmierkowski, Ordinary Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics (ICIE), Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

Special Section on
Modern materials – obtaining and characterization (alloys, polymers)

Theme.The development of the world economy is closely related to modern materials, the properties of which are constantly being improved. The reason is that the products obtained must meet strict requirements and meet a number of standards. Constant changes in the production processes of these materials may make it possible to regulate their properties during the production process itself. In addition, these properties can be improved as a result of properly performed refinement. The most commonly used materials today are various types of alloys, polymers and composites. These materials include amorphous alloys, special-purpose polymers and geopolymers.
This Special Section of BPAST will be devoted mainly to the selected papers presented in the special session “Modern materials – obtaining and characterization (alloys, polymers)” at the International Conference “Applications of Physics in Mechanical and Materials Engineering APMME 2021” organized on-line in 2021 by Częstochowa University of Technology. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

• New amorphous alloys
• Polymer and geopolymer materials
• Obtaining and characterization new functional materials
• Thermal treatment of modern functional materials

Manuscript preparation and submission
All manuscripts must be submitted through the Editorial System (ES) webpage at: ( Submission must be clearly marked “Special Session on Modern materials – obtaining and characterization (alloys, polymers)” in the ES (when choosing paper type, instead of Regular choose “Special issues/section paper”) and on the cover page. Check journal style carefully and use the template provided in the “Instructions for Authors” section on the ES platform (
We encourage submissions that are based upon papers published at related conferences and workshop proceedings. They may be submitted for consideration to BPASTS Special Section provided that:
(1) the authors cite their earlier conference paper on which this new work is based,
(2) the papers are not identical (similarity index must be below 50%),
(3) the journal publication includes clearly shown novel elements (e.g., more comprehensive experiments),
(4) please, if possible, cite in the list of references at least one paper published in the BPASTS if relevant to your research.

Important dates
• full paper submission deadline: February 28, 2021
• expected publication date: October 2021

Publication fee: 1230,00 PLN (ca 300 USD) / 8 pages in print (detailed information in “Instructions for Authors” section) – if the article is submitted independently of the APMME 2021 Conference.

Guest Editors:
• Bogusław Major – PhD DSc, Full Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
• Andrei Victor Sandu – PhD DSc Eng., Associate Professor,, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania
• Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah – PhD DSc Eng., Associate Professor, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
• Marcin Nabiałek – PhD DSc Eng., Częstochowa University of Technology, Częstochowa, Poland
• Tomasz Tański – PhD DSc Eng., Associate Professor, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
• Adam Zieliński – PhD DSc Eng, Associate Professor, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, Gliwice, Poland

E-mail to Guest Editors:,

• Prof. Marian Kazmierkowski, Ordinary Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics (ICIE), Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

Acta Physica Polonica A

Poniższe informacje dotyczą czasopisma Acta Physica Polonica A, którego wydruk jest planowany na maj 2021r.

Prosimy o przesyłanie w ramach zgłoszenia uczestnictwa jednostronicowego streszczenia do czasopisma Acta Physica Polonica A (w języku angielskim) e-mailem na adres: Przesłanie zgłoszenia oznacza jednoczesną akceptację Regulaminu konferencji. Po zaakceptowaniu streszczeń prosimy o przesłanie Formularza rejestracyjnego.

Przewidywany jest druk materiałów konferencyjnych (po zaakceptowaniu streszczeń przez redakcję czasopisma, a następnie uzyskanie pozytywnych recenzji pełnych tekstów referatów) w czasopiśmie Acta Physica Polonica A (40 pkt. w wykazie MNiSzW, IF: 0.579).

Z przyczyn technicznych odbędzie się jedynie sesja posterowa.

Sesja plakatowa
Plakat należy przygotować w formie pliku pdf, układ pionowy. Prosimy o przygotowanie plakatów w języku angielskim.
Organizatorzy nie narzucają szablonu plakatu.

Pliki do pobrania

Regulamin konferencji APMME 2021
Formularz rejestracyjny udziału w konferencji APMME 2021
Wytyczne dla autorów artykułów w Acta Physica Polonica A
Wytyczne dla autorów artykułów w Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech.
Szablon streszczenia
Szablon artykułu APPA
Zgoda na przetwarzanie danych osobowych i wykorzystanie wizerunku (RODO)
Umowa przeniesienia praw autorskich