Poniżej znajduje się lista zaakceptowanych przez wydawnictwa abstraktów jako zgodnych z tematyką danego czasopisma.
W związku z dużą ilością nadesłanych prac Komitet Organizacyjny poprosił redakcję czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials o możliwość publikacji części prac pokonferencyjnych.
Uczestników, których prace zostały zaakceptowane, prosimy o ich przygotowanie zgodnie z wytycznymi poniżej odpowiednimi dla danego czasopisma oraz dokonanie opłaty konferencyjnej.
Zgłoszone (zgodnie z procedurą odpowiednią dla danego czasopisma) artykuły zostaną poddane procesowi recenzji i po pozytywnym przejściu całego procesu planowany jest wydruk w każdym z czasopism do końca 2021 roku.
Wcześniejsze wysłanie pracy zwiększa prawdopodobieństwo publikacji w 2021 roku.
The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences
Uczestnicy konferencji mogą wyrazić chęć publikacji w czasopiśmie The Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences do dnia 31 stycznia 2021 roku (niezależnie od publikacji w czasopiśmie Acta Physica Polonica A) i jednocześnie do tego dnia rozszerzony zostanie termin możliwości zgłoszenia uczestnictwa w konferencji APMME 2021.
Pełne artykuły napisane zgodnie z instrukcją dla autorów należy przesłać do dnia 14 lutego 2021r. na adres korespondencyjny conf@imipkm.pcz.pl.
Należy wykorzystać szablon w Wordzie.
Po akceptacji przesłanych prac przez Komitet Naukowy Konferencji APMME 2021 zostanie do autorów przesłana informacja o dalszym postępowaniu ze zgłoszonym artykułem.
Poniżej niepełna lista zaakceptowanych przez Komitet Naukowy prac do wysłania do czasopisma. Życzymy pozytywnych recenzji.
The implicit numerical method for the one-dimensional anomalous subdiffusion equation with a nonlinear source term
M. Błasik
Preliminary modelling methodology of a coupled payload-vessel system for offshore lifts of light and heavyweight objects
Anna Mackojc, BogumilChilinski
Preliminary research of a symmetrical controllable granular damper prototype
BogumilChilinski, Anna Mackojc, Robert Zalewski
Silicon nitride/ carbon nanotube composites: preparation and characterization
Marta Mikuśkiewicz
Possibilities of Vacuum Packed Particles application in blast mitigation seat in military armored vehicles
Dominik Rodak, Mateusz Żurawski, Robert Zalewski, Michał Gmitrzuk, Lech Starczewski
Relationship between the structure anisotropy of PFA polymer/ compressed expanded graphite – matrix composites and acoustic emission characteristics
S. Berdowska, J. Berdowskiand, F. Aubry
Research on the grinding energy density in the jet mill
D. Urbaniak, H. Otwinowski, V.P. Zhukov, A.Y. Barochkin, J. Boryca, T. Wyleciał
Partial Energy Transfer Model of Lamb Waves Scattering in Materially Isotropic Waveguides
Michal Šofer, Pavel Šofer, Marek Raček, Dawid Cekus
Production of high quality steel –boundary conditions and its influence on numerical modeling of steel mixing process in ladle
Tomasz Merder, Piotr Warzecha, Jacek Pieprzyca, Marek Warzecha
Structure and properties of suction-cast Pr-(Fe,Co)-(Zr,Nb)-B rod magnets
Katarzyna Pawlik
Synthesis of Mg-based alloys with rare-earth element addition by mechanical alloying
Sabina Lesz
Mechanical alloying of Mg-Zn-Ca-Er alloy
Bartłomiej Hrapkowicz
Analysis of the steel quality of billets cast from high carbon steel
Artur Hutny, Marek Warzecha
Adaptive crash energy absorber based on a granular jamming mechanism
Piotr Bartkowski, Hubert Bukowiecki, Franciszek Gawiński, Robert Zalewski
Acta Physica Polonica A
Autorzy poniższych prac proszeni są o przygotowanie artykułów według szablonu, a następnie wysłanie ich na adres internetowy konferencji conf@imipkm.pcz.pl do dnia 30.01.2021r.
Physical acoustics analysis of wooden panel by computational modeling
Özdoğan Karaçalı
Designing two-band mechanical wave filters using a genetic algorithm
Wojciech Sochacki, Sebastian Garus
Entanglement in hydrogen molecule interacting with the environment
M. K. Stala, M. Nowotarski, M. W. Jarosik, J. K. Kalaga, R. Szczęśniak
Numerical modeling of the shrinkage cavity formation process in a cast steel support
Tomasz Skrzypczak, Ewa Węgrzyn-Skrzypczak, Leszek Sowa
Curie temperature change depending on the chemical composition of alloys from the FeCoB group
Marcin Nabiałek, Bartłomiej Jeż, Paweł Pietrusiewicz, Kinga Jeż, Bartosz Płoszaj, Andrei V. Sandu, Mustafa M.A.B. Abdullah, Jerzy Wysłocki, Aleksandra Kalwik, Przemysław Postawa
Modeling the droplet impact on the solid obstacle of various shapes
Paweł Kwiatoń, Dawid Cekus, Michal Šofer, Pavel Šofer
Comparison of results from an in-house solidification convection model with a standard benchmark
Robert Dyja
Influence of Y on the formation of hard magnetic phases in Fe-based alloys
Bartłomiej Jeż, Katarzyna Błoch, Joanna Gondro, Kinga Jeż, Mateusz Talar, Bartosz Płoszaj, Paweł Pietrusiewicz, Simon Walters, Aleksandra Kalwik, Piotr Sikora, Marcin Nabiałek
Structure and properties of FeCoNCuB nanocrystalline alloys
Kinga Jeż
A probabilistic model for the passage-time of chain-like-structure through a thick membrane
Zbigniew Domański, Andrzej Grzybowski
The total core losses of Fe70Y5NbxMo5-xB20 bulk amorphous Fe-based alloys
Marcin Nabiałek, Simon Walters, Katarzyna Błoch, Kinga Jeż, Mateusz Talar, Bartłomiej Jeż
Experimental verification of semiconductor diode aging based on thermal analyzes and numerical methods
Krzysztof Sokół, Piotr Ptak
Natural frequency of an elastically mounted column axially loaded with a mass element
Sebastian Uzny, Łukasz Kutrowski, Michał Osadnik
Change of magnetic saturation polarisation, as a function of temperature, in bulk Fe-based amorphous alloys
Sebastian Garus, Petrica Vizureanu, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Simon Walters
Quantum correlations in a system of the Kerr nonlinear coupler
Vinh Le Duc, Joanna K. Kalaga, Wiesław Leoński
Application of the Lagrange multiplier formalism to modeling of longitudinal vibration of the lower-limb exoskeleton
Marcin Skotniczny, Dawid Cekus, Paweł Kwiatoń
Dantec 3D image correlation system as a tool for determining strength properties
Tomasz Domański, Marcin Kubiak, Zbigniew Saternus
Investigation into the effect of the cooling rate on the magnetic properties of alloys that are based on the FeCoB matrix
Justyna Garus, Simon Walters, Andriei Victor Sandu, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah
Analysis of Nusselt Number for the Natural Convection in the Package of Square Steel Sections
Rafał Wyczółkowski, Janusz Szmidla, Marek Gała, Vazgen Bagdasaryan
Frequency depended chaotic behavior in RLD circuit
Piotr Gębara, Monika Gębara
What is the physical meaning of the thermodynamic critical field?
Kamila Kosk-Joniec, Małgorzata Kostrzewa, Kamila Szewczyk, Radosław Szczęśniak
The influence of the topology of a quasi one-dimensional structure on the frequency distribution inside a phononic crystal
Sebastian Garus, Wojciech Sochacki
Analysis of physical phenomena and changes in thermal and structural properties of polymer materials after aging in natural conditions
Aleksandra Kalwik, Tomasz Jaruga
The effect of radiation with a wavelength of 313 nm on changes in physical properties and structure of polymers
Aleksandra Kalwik, Katarzyna Mordal
The influence of the asymmetric distribution of defects on the dynamic stability of the Bernoulli-Euler beam
Wojciech Sochacki, Justyna Garus, Sebastian Garus
Influence of structural stresses on the phenomenon of magnetic viscosity in a massive amorphous alloy –after initial production and after annealing at a temperature below the crystallisation temperature
Joanna Gondro, Simon Walters, Andriei Victor Sandu
Entanglement in hydrogen molecule interacting with the environment
M.M. Adamczyk, K.A. Szewczyk, K.P. Kosk-Joniec, R. Szczęśniak
Change in the value of effective anisotropy of FeCoB amorphous alloys, depending on the chemical composition
Simon Walters, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Andriei Victor Sandu, Sebastian Garus
Magnetization process of bulk amorphous alloys Fe61+xCo10-xY8W1B20
Piotr Sikora, Marcin Nabiałek, Weronika Bełtowska-Płoszaj, Katarzyna Błoch, Joanna Gondro, Andrei V. Sandu, Mustafa M. A. B. Abdullah, Aleksandra Kalwik, Parisa Rezaei-Shahreza, Saeed Hasani, Bartłomiej Jeż
Experimental analysis of orientation distribution of cylindrical particles in random packed beds
Przemysław Rajca, Paweł Niegodajew, Maciej Marek, Konrad Gruszka
Application of the modified thermodynamic comminution theory in a jet mill
Dariusz Urbaniak, Henryk Otwinowski, Vladimir Pavlovich Zhukov, Aleksei Yevgenyevich Barochkin, Jarosław Boryca, Tomasz Wyleciał
Buckling control of piezolaminated beams for compliant bistable mechanisms
Krzysztof Kuliński, Jacek Przybylski
Phase and microstructural evolution of Ti-Ta-X (X=Zr/Nb) alloys prepared by powder metallurgy and arc melting methods
Izabela Matuła, Jagoda Barczyk, Krystian Prusik, Alicja Kazek-Kęsik, Wojciech Simka, Magdalena Szklarska, Ewelina Sudoł, Grzegorz Dercz
Numerical calculations of the VGs influence on vortex and aerodynamic airfoil characteristics
Renata Gnatowska, Karolina Gajewska, Robert Kańtoch
Processing conditions vs selected properties of mouldings made of ABS with the addiction of flame retardant
Milena Trzaskalska
Heat conduction in complex geometric structures on the example of Neovius periodic surface
Robert Dyja, Elżbieta Gawrońska
Research on Yb:YAG laser beam power distribution used in hybrid processes
Marcin Kubiak, Tomasz Domański
Numerical modeling of basic physical phenomena during the creation process of a casting-riser system
Leszek Sowa, Tomasz Skrzypczak, Paweł Kwiatoń
Influence of physical parameters on flow and heat transfer through spherical and non-spherical elements
Ewa Szymanek
Projection, entanglement and nonlocality of photon-number entangled states generated in Kerr media
Mateusz Nowotarski
Physics ofAcoustic Excitation on Boundary Layer Development
Vasyl Sokolenko, Witold Elsner, Artur Dróżdż, Renata Gnatowska
A first principle study of structural and electronic properties of hypothetical CBe2 compound
Konrad Gruszka
Theoretical investigation of C3N monolayer as anode material for Li/Na batteries
Grzegorz Kasprzak, Konrad M. Gruszka, Artur P. Durajski
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Autorzy poniższych prac proszeni są o przygotowanie artykułów zgodnie z informacją dla autorów. W najbliższym czasie zostanie otwarta możliwość wysłania artykułów przez system czasopisma.
Ceramic porous preforms manufactured from waste materials
Marek Kremzer
Structural and Physical Characterization of New Ti-Based Alloys
Iustin Baltatu, Petrica Vizureanu, Madalina Simona Baltatu, Andrei Victor Sandu, Marcelin Benchea, Florin Ciolacu
CFRP Composite Material Evaluation for Ship Propeller Mechanical Design
Özdoğan Karaçalı
Study of the optical properties of 1D SnO2
Wiktor Matysiak, Weronika Smok, Tomasz Tański
Improving the efficiency of fluidized bed comminution of limestone samples
Dominik Wysocki, Arkadiusz Szymanek
The influence of minor platinum additions (0.5 and 1.5 at.%) on the properties of ultrafast-cooled FeCoBW-based alloys in the shape of plates produced using two different methods
Paweł Pietrusiewicz
Analysis of the all-year operation of the solar chimney in Polish climatic conditions
Sylwia Berdowska
The structure and magnetocaloric effect of MnCoGe alloy
modified by Nb
Karolina Kutynia, Anna Przybył, Piotr Gębara
Magnetic Properties of Pr8Dy1Fe60Co7Mn3Ni3B14Zr1Ti3Bulk Alloys
Anna Przybył., Izabela Wnuk, Karolina Kutynia
Influence of Directional Dependence on Physical Properties of Composites Reinforced with Chopped Carbon Fibre Produced by Additive Manufacturing
Milan Vaško, Milan Sága, Jaroslav Majko, Marián Handrik, Filip Dorčiak, Alžbeta Sapietová
Evaluation of CuSn20 and CuAl10Fe3Mn2 properties in the bell casting process
Dawid Cekus, Paweł Kwiatoń, Maciej Nadolski, Krzysztof Sokół
Numerical prediction of temperature field and deformation in single-sided welded T-joint by laser beam
Zbigniew Saternus, Wiesława Piekarska
Relationship between the structure anisotropy of PFA polymer/compressed expanded graphite – based composites and acoustic emission characteristics
Sylwia Berdowska, Janusz Berdowski, Frederic Aubry
Physical and mechanical properties of cavitation generators with applied CrN+WC/C anti-wear coatings
Wojciech Borek, Tomasz Linek, Tomasz Tański
Physical and mechanical properties of high-manganese austenitic steels after dynamic deformation
Wojciech Borek
Investigations of TiO2, Ti/TiO2 and Ti/TiO2/Ti/TiO2 coatings produced by ALD and PVD methods on Mg-(Li)-Al-RE alloys substrates
Marcin Staszuk, Łukasz Reimann, Aleksandra Ściślak, Justyna Jaworska, Tomasz Mikuszewski, Dariusz Kuc, Tomasz Tański, Antonín Kříž
Numerical evaluation of the impact of riser geometry on the shrinkage defects formation in the solidifying casting
Leszek Sowa, Tomasz Skrzypczak, Paweł Kwiatoń
Study Of Zeolite Phase Made From Rice Husk Ash And Sidrap Clay
Armayani M., Musdalifa Mansur, Reza Asra, Muh Irwan, Dhian Ramadhanty, Subaer, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Ikmal Hakem A Aziz
Optimizing Of The Cementitious Composite Matrix By Addition Of Steel Wool Fibers (Chopped) Based On Selected Crucial Physical And Mechanical Analysis
Akrm A Rmdan Amer, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Liew Yun Ming, Heah Cheng Yong, Muhammad Faheem Mohd Tahir, Ikmal Hakem A Aziz, Petrica Vizureanu
Characterization of SnO2/TiO2 with the Addition of Polyethylene Glycol via Sol-Gel Method for Self-Cleaning Application
Dewi Suriyani Che Halin, Phoon Yan Xin, Azliza Azani, Kamrosni Abdul Razak, Mohd Mustafa Albakri Abdullah, Mohd Arif Anuar Mohd Salleh, Juyana A Wahab, Varistha Chobpattana, Lukasz Kaczmarek
Hybrid Mold: Comparative Study of Rapid and Conventional Tooling for Injection Molding Application using Metal Epoxy Composite (MEC)
H Radhwan, M T Mohd Khushairi, S Sharif, Z Shayfull, M A Suhaimi and M M A Abdullah, Marcin Nabialek, Jerzy J. Wysłocki
Effect of Silica Fume and Alumina on Fly Ash Geopolymer Concretes
Fong Sue Min, Heah Cheng Yong, Liew Yun Ming, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Foo Wah Low, Ng Hui Teng, Ng Yong Sing, Marcin Nabialek
Microstructural studies of Ag/TiO2 Thin Film; Effect of Annealing Temperature
K Abdul Razak, D S Che Halin, M M A Abdullah, M A A Mohd Salleh, N Mahmed, A Azani, V Chobpattana, Lukasz Kaczmarek, Marcin Nabialek
Effect of Tool Pin Profile on Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Materials AA5083 and AA7075 Aluminum Alloy
M H Azmi, M Z Hasnol, M F A Zaharuddin, S Sharif, Sehun Rhee
Review on Mechanical Properties of Metakaolin Geopolymer Concrete by Inclusion of Steel Fibers
Meor Ahmad Faris, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Ratnasamy Muniandy, Shamala Ramasamy, Mohammad Firdaus Abu Hashim, Subaer, Andrei Victor Sandu
Recycling Of PET Bottles Into Different Types Of Building Materials: A Review
Mohd Ikhmal Haqeem Hassan, Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Intan Seri Izzora Arzlan, Mohd Razali Md Tomari, Noor Azizi Mardi, Mohd Fahrul Hassan, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah
Assessment On The Physical, Mechanical Properties And Leaching Behaviour Of Fired Clay Brick Incorporated With Steel Mill Sludge
Noor Amira Sarani, Azini Amiza Hashim, Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Mohd Ikhmal Haqeem Hassan, Mohd Ruzaini Abd Jalil and Muhammad Khuzaimy Kamarul Halim
The Study Of Neutral Electrolyte To The Electrochemical Performance Of Carbon Electrode
Susilo Sudarman Desa, Khanin Nueangnoraj
Modification of the structure and optical properties of dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) photoanode layers through the use of nanoadditives
Paweł Jarka, Tomasz Tański, Aleksandra Drygała, Wiktor Matysiak
Comparision of the microstructure and selective properties of HVOF sprayed WC-Co and WC-Cr3C2-Ni coatings
E. Jonda, L. Łatka, W. Pakieła, P. Nuckowski
Experimental analysis of physical phenomena occurring in PVD coatings on Oxide Tool Ceramics
R. Dziwis, W. Kwaśny, A. Śliwa
Structure of S304H steel after 20,000 hours of aging
Adam Zieliński, Robert Wersta, Marek Sroka, Tomasz Puszczało, Karol Sówka
Structure of 22Cr25NiWCoCu austenitic stainless steel after ageing
Marek Sroka, Adam Zieliński, TomaszPuszczało, KarolSówka, Branislav Hadzima
The high temperature resistance of silicas coated niobium
Radosław Szklarek, Tomasz Tański, Bogusław Mendala, Marcin Staszuk, Łukasz Krzemiński, Kamil Sobczak
Development of the assessment of the primary microstructure and selected properties of new cobalt-based superalloys of the Co-20Ni-10Al-5Mo-2Nb-2Ti type
Milena Kierat, Grzegorz Moskal, Adam Zieliński
Corrosion resistance of cermet coatings sprayed with the HVOF method on magnesium alloy substrate
M. Kciuk, E. Jonda, Ł. Reimann
Overload stress and its influence on durability of ceramic elements in hip and knee joints endoprostheses
Michał Sobociński, Marcin Nabrdalik
Analitical-experimental reaserch of some parameters of hip and knee endoprotheses, determininig value and form of contact stress between their elements
Michał Sobociński, Marcin Nabrdalik
Analysis of selected physicochemical properties of biomass pellets intended for heating purposes
Agnieszka Bala-Litwiniak
Application of the modified thermodynamic comminution theory
in a jet mill
Dariusz Urbaniak, Henryk Otwinowski, Vladimir Pavlovich Zhukov, Aleksei Yevgenyevich Barochkin, Jarosław Boryca, Tomasz Wyleciał
Electric arc + laser beam heat source in modelling of hybrid welding process using Yb:YAG welding torch
Marcin Kubiak
Numerical modelling of tension of flat samples with experimental validation using Dantec multicamera correlation system
Marcin Kubiak, Tomasz Domański, Zbigniew Saternus
Modelling of Circumferential Welding of Pipes Made of Stainless Steel
Tomasz Domański
Influence of initial charge temperature and furnace operating conditions on steel loss
Tomasz Wyleciał, Jarosław Boryca, Dariusz Urbaniak
Computer simulation of tension of samples with notch of different geometry
Zbigniew Saternus, Tomasz Domański, Marcin Kubiak
Numerical analysis of longitudinal welding of pipes using various welding techniques
Zbigniew Saternus
Acoustic Emission and Infrared Thermography Study of Low Strain Tensile Behaviour of AISI 304L Stainless Steel
A. Sapietová, M. Raček, V. Dekýš, M. Sapieta, M. Sága, P. Šofer
Phase Analysis of Different Liquid Ratio on Metakaolin/Dolomite Geopolymer
Ahmad Syauqi Sauffi, Wan Mastura Wan Ibrahim, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Masdiyana Ibrahim, Romisuhani Ahmad, Fakhryna Ahmad Zaidi, Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Andrei Victor Sandu
Surface Roughness Evaluation of Metal Epoxy Composite (MEC) in Machining using Taguchi Method
K W Leong, Z Shayfull, H Radhwan, M Fathulah, M M A Abdullah, M F Omar, Marcin Nabialek, Jerzy J. Wysłocki
Mechanical Effects on Different Solid to Liquid Ratio of Geopolymer Filler in Epoxy Resin
Mohammad Firdaus Abu Hashim, Che Mohd Ruzaidi Ghazali, Yusrina Mat Daud, Meor Ahmad Faris, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Farah Farhana Zainal, Saloma Hasyim, Muhammad Taqiyuddin Lokman
Thermal Insulation and Mechanical Properties of Glas Bubble Involvement in Fly Ash Geopolymer Paste
Noor Fifinatasha Shahedan, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Norsuria Mahmed, Liew Yun Ming, Shayfull Zamree Abd Rahim, Ikmal Hakem A Aziz, Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Andrei Victor Sandu
Effect of Aluminium Powder Availability on Kaolin-Based Geopolymer Characteristic and Heavy Metal Removal
Nurliyana Ariffin, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Shayfull Zamree Abd Rahim, Mohd Remy Rozainy Mohd Arif Zainol, Marcin Nabialek, Jerzy J. Wysłocki, Katarzyna Błoch
Preparation of Low-Temperature Sintering Hybrid-Hydroxyapatite Bioceramic Via Alkaline Activation Technique – A New Approach: A Review
Wan Mohd Arif W. Ibrahim, Mohd. Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Mohd Arif Anuar Mohd Salleh, Hasmaliza Mohamad, Noorina Hidayu Jamil
Numerical analysis of UHMWPE reinforced with carbon fibers
Katarzyna Mordal, Arkadiusz Szarek
Investigation of the impact of UV radiation on the physicochemical properties of PLA/HNT nanocomposite
Katarzyna Bryll, Katarzyna Gawdzińska, Ewelina Kostecka, Małgorzata Tomasik, Marek Bartczak
Evaluation of multilayer polymer film obtained by developed blow molding process
Marcin Bilewicz
Physical phenomena occurring in the modeled crane construction during loading using numerical analysis
A. Śliwa, A. Dziwis